My Journey of Reframing During Times of Adversity
Life has a funny way of testing us when we least expect it. For me, one of the most challenging battles has been with my health combined with grief — specifically, dealing with hormonal imbalance alongside losing my grandparents. This wasn’t just about me managing physical symptoms; it was an emotional and mental rollercoaster. But the journey, though difficult, has led me to a place of strength, understanding, and a passion I never expected.
If you’ve ever felt like your body was betraying you, or like no one truly understood the struggles you were going through, I hear you. There were days when I felt completely overwhelmed. The frustration of not having all the answers, the hopelessness of not knowing how long it would last, the loneliness of feeling like the system didn’t have my back, and the wishing you said or did more while these important people were alive. It was a mental battle combined with emotional exhaustion. Some days, I cried. Other days, I pulled away from social events or opportunities because I didn’t know how to push through. It was easier to isolate to not have to deal with the questions.
But here’s what I realised: it’s not just about what happens to you; it’s how you choose to respond to it. I could have stayed stuck in that place of frustration, helplessness, and sadness for days (and frankly, it was justified) — but instead, I made the choice to reframe the situation to relentless optimism.
1. Feel Your Feelings, But Don’t Let Them Define You
One of the hardest lessons I’ve learned is that it’s okay to feel upset, frustrated, or down. For a long time I was scared of anger for reasons I won’t get into right now. But during the toughest moments, I allowed myself to feel everything — whether it was crying on the floor of my apartment or screaming into a pillow. The difference now is that I don’t let those feelings control me.
Takeaway: It’s vital to acknowledge your emotions, don’t suppress them but don’t give them power over your life. Give yourself permission to feel, but remember that it’s just a moment, not your identity.
2. Slow Down and Listen to Your Body
One of the biggest shifts I made was learning to slow down and truly listen to my body. When things got tough, I wasn’t forcing myself to push through by distracting myself with more gym sessions or going out drinking. Instead, I focused on what my body needed — whether that meant taking a day off so you could focus on you, having a nap, spending time in solitude, or making different lifestyle choices.
I had to accept that I wasn’t going to ‘get better’ overnight. Healing is a process that you have to actively participate in, and it looks different for everyone. This was a turning point for me — understanding that I couldn’t rush my own journey.
Takeaway: Healing takes time. Be patient with yourself and trust that every step forward, no matter how small, is progress. Celebrate that.
3. Talk to the Right People
I’m so fortunate to have close friends and family who I could lean on during this time. It wasn’t about sharing every single detail — it was about having people in my life who were there to listen without judgment. Some days, I just needed to talk about how hard things were and get some validation. Other times, I needed someone to encourage me when I felt like giving up. These people truly know me and want the best for me, their advice reflected that.
Takeaway: Community. Surround yourself with people who support your journey. Find a safe space to be vulnerable, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
4. Journaling and Reflection: Your Most Powerful Tools
Journaling became my sanctuary. When my thoughts were too overwhelming, I wrote them down. I reflected on the highs and lows of my day, the things I was grateful for (there genuinely is SO MUCH), and the progress I made — even if it didn’t feel like much at all.
Writing helped me release the heavy emotions that were weighing me down and gave me clarity on how I could move forward. It was a space where I could process everything I was feeling. Sometimes I write letter to my grandparents.
Takeaway: Make time for reflection on the past, where you are at now, and where you’re going. Journaling doesn’t have to be long or in a book — just a few minutes a day to visually see the words can help clear your mind and refocus on your intentions at the time.
5. Embrace Solitude for Self-Discovery
There were many moments when I needed to be alone. Not in a sad or lonely way, but in a way that allowed me to reconnect with myself. Solitude gave me the space to listen to my body, quiet my mind, reflect on my experiences, nourish my soul, and come up with solutions that were aligned with MY true needs.
Takeaway: Embrace moments of solitude. In today’s world, they are hard to come by. They can be powerful for self-reflection and allow you to tap into your intuition and inner strength. You know you best.
6. Challenge Your Thoughts and Reframe Your Mindset
One of the most significant changes I made during this time was how I framed my thoughts. Instead of feeling like a victim of my circumstances, I chose to reframe every challenge into an opportunity for growth. When I thought “I can’t do this,” I replaced it with “How can I grow from this?” Or “what a privilege I get to do this!”
Reframing my thoughts wasn’t easy, but it made all the difference. Every bad thought was an invitation to find a positive one. Every moment of doubt was an opportunity to build resilience.
Takeaway: Your mindset shapes your reality. Catch, Challenge, Change. Catch yourself, challenge the negative thoughts and change them with empowering ones. Every setback is an opportunity for growth.
7. Relentlessly Choose Optimism
Even when things felt bleak, I made a conscious decision to remain optimistic. People always ask me, “how are you so positive”, or “how do you have the energy”, or “how did you keep going with all of that going on”. It wasn’t about ignoring the difficulties, but about knowing that they were temporary, and that I could learn something from every part of the journey. I knew that this period of hardship had a purpose, and that purpose was ultimately to help me grow into the person I was meant to be. Thank you universe.
Takeaway: Optimism doesn’t mean ignoring your struggles — it means believing in your ability to overcome them. Stay hopeful and trust that things will get better, this is all part of life.
8. Find the Gift in the Struggle
I’ve learned that the hardest times in life often lead to the most profound gifts. While my health struggles and the loss of my grandparents have been so challenging, they led me to a deep passion for health and wellness that I never would have discovered otherwise. I became more connected to my body, took time out, educated myself and became more determined than ever to share this knowledge with others.
The universe doesn’t give us struggles without purpose — they’re gifts waiting to be opened. And once you find it, you’ll realise how powerful and transformative it can be.
Takeaway: Every challenge carries the seed of a gift. If you can reframe the struggle, you’ll discover a strength you never knew YOU had.
My Final Thoughts
Reframing during times of adversity isn’t easy and takes practice, but it’s a strategic tool that has helped me become stronger and more resilient. It’s not about avoiding the tough times or suppressing emotions — it’s about finding the lessons in them and using those lessons to build a better future for yourself.
Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Whether you’re dealing with your own health struggles, grief or facing something else that is crippling you, know that it’s possible to find peace, strength, and purpose even in the most difficult moments. Keep believing, every step forward — no matter how small — is a victory.
Your journey is unique to you. Embrace the ups and downs, and trust that they’re leading you exactly where you need to be.
With love and balance my Friends x
P.s. if you have any other tips that have worked for you, please share in the comments!